Data is useful ... and it can be beautiful.
Through StreamS, River’s social media platform, you can share your data, your way. Create a visually stunning image for your closest friends, made from the data generated by shopping at your favourite café or songs from your favourite band. The image is lovely on its own, and you get to choose who can know the true meaning of the information inside. Your fans can see the beauty of your data, while you choose who can have the context.
Beyond social
StreamS helps you share the absolute bare minimum required to process an application, sign up for a service, or buy a product online. When you sign in to StreamS, you have control over your data: you get to choose who can see it, how they can use it, and for how long they can access it.
What can you do with StreamS?
- Post your data to get likes, advertisers, and endorsements, with multiple ways to make money while having fun.
- Share your data in graphically spectacular ways, with a new alphabet to showcase your style.
- Enjoy the most mysterious and the simplest thing you’ve ever done.
Our data is not you and you are not your data. StreamS helps you share your data without compromising your privacy.
StreamS may be the coolest thing to happen to social media since the advent of the thumbs-up. For a sense of what we mean, check-out this "Dear Data" project from RIVER friend Giorgia Lupi, and her colleague Stefanie Posavec.
Come and play today.